Google Wants Everyone to Know When you Last Updated Your Website


Today I received an email from the GSuites team letting me know about some changes that will be affecting Google Sites in the near future. This little update will be changing the footer on their websites and adding the ability for a visitor to see when the site was last updated. This got me thinking…

Will this affect all Websites?

For now..No. But in the near future I have no doubt we will see an incarnation of this from Google, in order to provide a better experience for their users.

Again, current websites are not affected. This doesn’t mean they won’t be in the future. Google has a track record of rolling out changes in this manner and testing their effectiveness on a smaller scale before making much larger updates.

I would imagine we will be looking at our websites in SERPs with a little timestamp next to them in the very near future.

For now we have this





Now looks like this on a live site:
